Attendance Areas
The Pickett County Board of Education believes that attendance is a key factor in student achievement. The Board encourages every positive and innovative means, which will contribute to students' regular attendance, recognizing that school personnel, parents, the community, and the students themselves share in the responsibility. Students are expected to be present and punctual each day that school is in session.
Home Schooling
Parents may home school their own children pursuant to Tennsssee Code Annotated 49-6-3050. Students may be enrolled in an Independent Home School or in Church-related Home Schools. Please contact Debbie Elder at the Pickett County Board of Education at 931-864-3123 for assistance in answering questions about home schooling.
Homebound/Hospitalization Program
The Homebound Instruction Program is for students who, because of health impairments are unable to attend the regular instructional program. Please contact Debbie Elder at the Pickett County Board of Education at 931-864-3123 for assistance in answering questions about Homebound.